Specialty Pay

You can request to get the same incentive pay as a GMO from the time you complete residency until the BUMED note is signed, at which time you will start receiving you graduate level pay. Below are steps on how to do this. It can only be done once you receive your graduation certificate from Vanda. The sooner you do this, the better, especially if you are PCSing.

  1. Get your residency completion certificate (ask Vanda)

  2. Get a copy pf your VA medical license (screen shot will suffice)

  3. Email MILPERS to request that your contract to be written up and starting on July 1 (or the day after you complete residency if off-cycle) and include items 1 and 2

    Sample letter

    Reminder: cannot submit for EM SP until after the BUMED note comes out in the fall

Board Reimbursement

Below are the necessary documents and checklists for board reimbursement. Would recommend lumping together the initial ABEM fee and your written board fee into one request. Then you will have to do this all over again for your oral boards. Also included is the BUMED instruction, which has the template of the forms you need to submit

  1. Board Funding Request Checklist

  2. BUMED instruction

  3. CO endorsement Letter

  4. Board Reimbursement Request