Leave, Liberty, & Travel Guidelines AY24-25

Note: View the RESMAN (page 38) for more detailed instructions.

    • LEAVE: Time off work and mandatory residency events (academic conference, vivarium/cadaver lab, journal club). Results in reduced shifts and excusal from mandatory events.

      • Required if traveling over 250 miles or using commercial travel (plane, train, interstate bus), but can take leave even if staying local.

      • NSIPS leave submission excuses you from command recall rosters (including command urinalysis)

      • All leave is governed by DoD and USN policies, which supersede residency guidance.

    • LIBERTY: Free time when not scheduled for clinical duty or educational obligations.

      • Required to submit Liberty request if traveling >50 miles but staying within a 250-mile radius.

      • Cannot use commercial travel methods (requires formal NSIPS leave instead).

      • No submission is required for travel under 50 miles.

    • EMERGENCY LEAVE: Granted for appropriate circumstances per NAVMED Instruction 1050.3A, approved by the Program Director, and deducted from your regular leave balance.

  • All residents receive 4 weeks (28 days) of ACGME vacation leave per academic year, built into specific rotations:

    • PGY1: Ultrasound, Elective/EMS, Operational Elective, Cardiology

    • PGY2: NMCP EM – all four blocks are three weeks long

    • PGY3: Chesapeake ED (2 blocks), EM Teach, Elective

    • PGY4: Maryview ED, EM Teach, Elective, QIPS

  • ACGME Leave (Vacation Allowance)

    • Limited to 28 days per academic year

    • Refers explicitly to missing scheduled clinical or educational duties

    • Must be taken during designated rotation blocks

    • Cannot roll over to the next academic year

    • Required for any absence from scheduled residency activities

    Navy Leave (NSIPS Submission)

    • Required for either:

      • Travel beyond the 250-mile radius

      • Any commercial travel (plane, train, interstate bus)

    • Not counted toward 28-day ACGME allowance if:

      • Traveling during non-duty periods (e.g., holiday weekends)

      • No scheduled clinical or educational activities are missed

    • Limited by Navy annual leave allowance.

    Example Scenarios:

    • Resident takes a week off during Ultrasound rotation to visit family in California:

      • Counts as ACGME Leave (missing duties)

      • Requires Navy Leave (>250 miles, commercial travel)

    • Resident flies to Florida during a 3-day holiday weekend with no scheduled duties:

      • Does NOT count as ACGME Leave (no missed duties)

      • Requires Navy Leave (>250 miles, commercial travel)

    • Resident stays local during scheduled leave week:

      • Counts as ACGME Leave (missing duties)

      • Does NOT require Navy Leave (within radius & no commercial travel). However, it is recommended since NSIPS leave submission excuses you from command recall rosters (including command urinalysis).

    Important Notes:

    • Per ABEM requirements, residents must complete a minimum of 46 weeks of training per year (44 weeks under unique circumstances).

    • Rotation credit requires completion of at least 3 of 4 weeks (unless specifically required to be 4 weeks duration).

      • Maximum 7 days off during clinical rotations.

      • Extended leave is possible during non-clinical rotations if goals are met.

      • Each rotation has individualized policies for time off requests - discuss with chiefs/APD.

    • Using leave to avoid required residency functions will result in disciplinary action through UCMJ or GME routes.

    • Off-cycle residents may have adjusted leave-granting rotations.

    1. Contact rotation POC for approval. You must CC the chiefs (nmcpemchiefs@gmail.com) on all emails.

    2. Submit NSIPS request ≥2 weeks before your travel.

      1. For shorter notice, email/text chiefs for consideration. Approval is not guaranteed.

    3. Must include the following information within the NSIPS comments section:

      1. Block #, Week #, Rotation Name

      2. Travel Location with dates

      3. Site approval confirmation

      4. Any missed mandatory events

      5. Current leave balance

      6. If designated sick call resident, document coverage arrangement

      7. Required NSIPS comment format:

        1. “Block 12 (week 4), Chesapeake ED: Plan for CONUS travel to San Diego, CA (dates: 26-MAY-2025 – 01-JUN-2025) during pre-assigned ACGME leave. Site coordinator notified and approved. Current leave balance 21/28.”

    4. Check NSIPS for approval before travel. DO NOT assume that your leave has been approved. 

      1. If not approved 2 weeks before your requested date, email/text the chiefs.

    1. At least 60 days prior, visit the Physical Security Office (Bldg 3, 1st Deck) and initiate the request process.

    2. Add DPE as NSIPS approver via MILPERS (email versus going in person):

      1. MILPERS Distro List: usn.hampton-roads.nmrtc-portsmouth-va.list.nmcp-milpers@health.mil

      2. DPE (CAPT Mark Tschanz): mark.p.tschanz.mil@health.mil

    3. Submit Initial NSIPS Request >60 days before your OCONUS travel dates:

      1. This ensures chiefs/PD are tracking and you are getting the correct paperwork started.

      2. Required NSIPS comment format:

        1. “Block 12 (week 4), Chesapeake ED: Plan for OCONUS travel to Paris, France (dates: 26-MAY-2025 – 01-JUN-2025) during pre-assigned ACGME leave. Site coordinator notified and approved. Current leave balance 21/28. Pending completion of command security office requirements and DPE signed travel paperwork.”

      3. We will “Recycle” your leave request. Then, it sits within your “e-Leave Inquiry” tab pending paperwork.

        1. Once you have completed all the paperwork listed below, you will attach the final signed documents to NSIPS and submit them for final approval.

    4. Finalize your travel paperwork with the Physical Security Office (Bldg 3, 1st Deck):

      1. Complete the current OCONUS Requirements Checklist 

        1. Here is a previous version, but obtain the up-to-date version from their office.

        2. New requirement (2025): DPE won't sign OCONUS leave until you submit screenshots of APACS approval.

      2. After completing every action item, return the packet with copies of all documents to the security office.

      3. Following ATO approval (~1-3 days), you will route the packet to DPE’s office, the first door on the left within the GME suite of Bldg 3.

      4. Once you have OCONUS paperwork signed by DPE, scan your packet to obtain an electronic copy.

    5. Upload signed OCONUS paperwork to NSIPS and submit for final approval.

    6. Check NSIPS for approval before travel. DO NOT assume that your leave has been approved.

  • Available when:

    • No clinical duties are scheduled, including sick call coverage..

    • No educational obligations (conference, vivarium, etc).

    • Within 250-mile radius

    • No commercial travel (plane, train, or interstate bus)

    • All training/logs current


    • Submit liberty request via Liberty Tracker Google Form at least 24 hours before travel.

      • Form submission automatically notifies the chiefs.

  • You need to email MILPERS or go to their office (Bldg 3, 4th Deck) to have all three chiefs added to your “Watch Coordinators” and PD to your “Approver” lists.

    You may email the MILPERS listserv email (usn.hampton-roads.nmrtc-portsmouth-va.list.nmcp-milpers@health.mil) and you can cc’ YN2 Eero (nicholas.d.eero.mil@health.mil) through the AY24-25.

  • Critical Deadlines

    • 90 days prior: Initial submission.

    • 60 days prior: Final PD submission.

    • 5 days after return: Travel voucher due.

    Funded Travel Process

    • DPE typically funds one national/regional meeting per fiscal year (not guaranteed).

    For Required Rotations (IPOT):

    1. Complete DTS authorization with IPOT routing.

    2. Submit a travel worksheet matching DTS costs.

    3. Email PD travel worksheet with generated SF182.

    For Conferences/Training (Mission):

    1. Complete DTS authorization with Mission routing.

    2. Submit a travel worksheet matching DTS costs.

    3. Email PD:

      1. Travel worksheet

      2. Generated SF182 (if required)

      3. Published course/conference description.

      4. Conference Schedule.

      5. Published pricing.

    Post-Approval Requirements:

    • Wait for signed DTS authorization before travel.

    • Submit the travel voucher within 5 days of your return.

    • Maintain current government credit card payments.

    Non-Funded Travel Process - Permissive TDY (PTDY)

    1. Meet with APD 90 days prior.

    2. Reference MILPERSMAN 1320-200/210/220.

    3. Not appropriate for all travel types.

    Rotation Restrictions:

    • Not permitted during:

      • ICU/inpatient rotations  

      • REBIL/OP LEAD/CAPSTONE rotations

      • Rotations less than 4 weeks duration

    • If approved for >3 days off during an eligible rotation, shift credit may be considered


    Travel without proper authorization may result in:

    • Unauthorized absence

    • Unauthorized commitment

    • Lack of malpractice coverage

    • UCMJ or GME action

  • Acute Illness:

    • Notify chiefs via group text ASAP

    • Up to 24hrs authorized by chiefs/PD

    • Beyond 24hrs requires physician evaluation

    • Shift payback requirements:

      • Residents who missed a shift must identify shift trade within the same block.

        • If same-block trade is not possible, an additional shift debt may be incurred for a future block.

      • Chiefs must approve all trades to document coverage plans and confirm ACGME duty-hour regulations.

    Elective Procedures:

    • Require PD approval before scheduling

    • Schedule outside mandatory events

    • Use existing leave for recovery

  • Extended absences (exceeding one week), including parental/birth, administrative, and health-related leave, are governed by DHA PI 1025.05. Such absences may affect:

    • Graduation timeline and board eligibility

    • Additional service obligations

    Parental/Birth Leave:

    1. Early notification (before 20 weeks) is strongly encouraged for scheduling flexibility.

      1. The Navy requires notification at 20 weeks, but earlier discussion enables better planning.

    2. Schedule a Program Director meeting to discuss timeline adjustments and options

    3. Confidentiality maintained (limited to PD and program coordinator)

    Other Extended Absences:

    1. Meet with Program Director before planned absence or ASAP for unexpected absences

    2. Discussion will include board eligibility, graduation impact, and service obligations

    3. Training requirements based on length of absence and ACGME/ABEM requirements

NMCP and Maryview Schedule requests:

Schedule Issues:

  • Please use AMION for training, ACLS/PALS, leave, overnights from other rotations, etc. This helps me keep everything organized. These items do NOT count as special requests.

Special Requests:

  • You are allowed up to 2 special requests per block (a single day counts as one request). Weekend days at NMCP count as 2 requests.

  • Maryview schedules offer more flexibility. Contact us directly for special requests at these sites and log them in AMION.

Amion Instructions:

  • Go to Amion and use the access code (navy nmcped). 

  • Select "special requests” (the smiley face with sunglasses), then click “I don’t know my password. " Then select your name from the drop-down and choose the option to have the unique code sent to your email.

  • You must ensure you are in the correct academic year (e.g., 2024-2025).

Outside Rotations:

  • Contact these locations in advance! Chesapeake (2 months out) and Leigh/Beach/CHKD (3 months out), especially for leave or special requests.

  • Please CC the chiefs (nmcpemchiefs@gmail.com) on all communications.

  • Leigh: Ms. Kristina Brice (kbrice@ept911.com), Dr. Zane Shuck (zshuck@ept911.com), Dr. Derek Davies (ddavies@ept911.com).

  • Virginia Beach: Dr. Megan Winning (WinninMS@evms.edu).

  • Chesapeake: Dr. Jenn Cheung (jsmontgomery2@gmail.com).

  • CHKD: Dr. Ally Tekulve (Allyson.Tekulve@chkd.org).

Shift Credits